Thursday, November 27, 2014

Android redemption annoying calls during work !!

Now a days many people do many important stuff using their smartphones. . For example: MS Office- writing, important Internet browsing, etc. But, just that time if a call comes in, it appears  on the call screen which is irritating. Anyway, today I'll share with you such a great apps name “CALL POP OUT”. Some of the features of the app are as follows: - 

1.      If you do not like the App- can hold off.

2. This app will work accordingly for all the apps of the smartphone into its “all apps mode”

3.The size, border, color and location of the icon of incoming call have to setup into “app list” option

4. In which app you can manually do this can easily choices into the app list option.

So why late, go to Google play store and download this app and enjoy yourself. That all for today. Take care. 

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